Baby who suffered severe brain injury during birth receives life-long financial care

Baby who suffered severe brain injury during birth receives life-long financial care

After instructing medical negligence experts at Wolferstans Solicitors, a23-year-old has been awarded damages after suffering a severe brain injury during his birth.

The client suffered a lack of oxygen during birth, which resulted in permanent brain damage and severe cerebral palsy. He is now wheelchair dependent and must rely on others in all aspects of his day-to-day life.

During his childhood, his parents were reluctant to pursue a claim against the hospital, but once he reached the age of 15, they realised how severe the brain damage was and how it would affect him for the rest of his life.

His parents wanted to ensure he would always be well cared for, so they instructed a firm of solicitors to investigate the case. The firm did not specialise in medical negligence claims and sadly abandoned the claim due to the records of his birth not being available.

Thankfully, the family found Wolferstans Solicitors who, based on the client’s presentation at 15, reconstructed the likely events of the birth in the absence of the medical records. Wolferstans worked closely with NHS Resolution and the hospital agreed to settle the claim.

This settlement means the client now has financial security for the rest of his life and access to the care, support and rehabilitation that he so desperately requires, bringing peace of mind to the client and his family.

Why is it important to instruct a medical negligence specialist?

A specialist’s experience means they are more likely to successfully pursue cases where other non-specialist claims might fail.

Wolferstans Solicitor's specialist team consists of 16 highly qualified and accredited experts who have investigated medical negligence claims exclusively for over 30 years.

With 90% of their pursued cases resulting in a payment of damages, the team are highly praised for their genuine care, desire and commitment to gaining justice for their clients.

If you think you have a claim, or are unhappy with your existing solicitors, please get in touch with our Medical Negligence team by calling 01752 292204.

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