New Year’s Resolutions: Planning for your family’s future?
Now the festive season is over and you've had a chance to enjoy time with loved ones, you might be thinking about setting some resolutions for 2022.
These might be to do with your health and fitness, you could be setting a goal to eat healthier and exercise more this year. You might have enjoyed spending so much time with family over Christmas that it has reminded you to prioritise spending more time with them. You may want to work on improving your mental health by taking up a new hobby or being more mindful.
All of these resolutions are great, and we hope you achieve everything on your list this year, but lifestyle choices are not the only way you can improve you and your family’s life.
Have you considered getting your legal affairs in order as a priority? Making sure you have plans in place for your family’s future?
It’s not something any of us like to think about. However, if you don’t take advice and put in place the right measures then there is the possibility that your wishes and your intentions cannot be followed should you lose capacity or die.
Making a Will makes things easier for your family’s future and gives them the reassurance that when the time comes, they can put your wishes into effect. Plus, making a will ensures that your wealth and property will go to those who you want to receive them.
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) are documents that allow you to appoint a person or a number of people who will be able to make decisions on your behalf in relation to your affairs if you are unable to make these decisions yourself. Creating a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) while you are still in good health, protects you and can make life much easier for your loved ones.
Our friendly expert team can help you to quickly and effectively prepare a Will and/or draft a LPA that protects your interests, giving you total peace of mind that your needs will be taken care of, whatever the future might hold. We can take instructions remotely by video call or face-to-face.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via our Live Chat or by calling 01752 292201, if you would like any more information on the issues raised in this article.