Separation Agreement Solicitors
If you are considering ending your relationship but are unsure about starting a divorce immediately or in the near future, you may wish to consider a Separation Agreement. This can allow you to sort out and define the arrangements for your finances and children during a separation, giving you certainty and peace of mind.
The agreement can specify what has been agreed about what you will receive from your husband/wife or partner regarding income, maintenance or financial support for the children. It will also specify how any property, savings, assets or pensions will be divided.
The advantages of a separation agreement are that they are flexible and anything you agree together can be included so you both have certainty as to where you stand legally. A Separation Agreement can only be drawn up if you and your husband/wife or partner agree about the terms to be included.
We have a team of specialists who can advise you about the right agreement for your situation and guide you through the process to ensure you are protected.
Get in touch to discuss how we can help you by calling 01752 643942.