Headway Justice Project
Headway is the UK-wide charity that works to improve life after brain injury. There are more than 125 groups across the UK providing support to brain injury survivors and their families.
Headway has been working with the Police as part of their Justice Project to develop a Brain Injury Identity Card. It aims to raise awareness of brain injury throughout the criminal justice system. Each card is personalised, helping the cardholder to explain the effects of their brain injury.
Survivors of brain injury often suffer from complex problems affecting their personality, their relationships and their ability to lead an independent life. Even with good rehabilitation, support and help in the community, survivors are likely to face challenging situations. Problems can include difficulties performing activities or learning new information as well as participating in conversations.
This has been highlighted this week by former Royal Marine, Tom Birch, who sustained a serious brain injury in 2006 whilst serving in Afghanistan. Tom’s injury has left him with slurred speech, and as a result he often finds getting served in bars difficult because staff believe he is drunk. Tom told BBC Radio 5 Live that this often leads to the police getting involved. The full story can be read here.
Carrying an identity card will provide brain injury survivors with the confidence to know that if they need help, their needs can be easily identified, whether in social situations, or if they come into contact with police officers or other emergency services.
Wolferstans has a specialist team dealing with a large number of claims for people who have experienced brain injuries and we are particularly aware of the difficulties they face on a day to day basis. We hope that the Brain Injury Identity Card scheme will help brain injury survivors in everyday situations and ensure they are treated appropriately and provided with the support they need.
Andrew Warlow, a partner and solicitor in our serious injuries team has extensive experience of handling claims for seriously injured people and their families. Andrew can be contacted on 01752 292265 or by email awarlow@wolferstans.com