More Music for Mesothelioma

More Music for Mesothelioma

Following on from success of the last 'Music for Mesothelioma' event in April 2016 popular local band Jessica and the Rabbits will be performing once again to raise more money and awareness for the South West Mesothelioma Group.

The ‘More Music for Mesothelioma’ charity evening will be held at the Duke of Cornwall Hotel on Millbay Road in Plymouth between 7.30pm and 11.00pm on Friday 17th February. The event promises to be a great evening.

Tickets are £7.00 and available for purchase on the door. Further information can be obtained by contacting Wally Wright on 01752 601750.

Wolferstans solicitors have been avid supporters of this crucial local charity for many years. We are committed to raising support and awareness in the local area regarding asbestos related conditions which are sadly on the rise.

Dean Cruickshanks from the asbestos team at Wolferstans, who sponsor the event, said ‘Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a fantastic evening of rock ‘n’ roll and classic soul whilst at the same time helping raise awareness of this dreadful disease that affects Plymouth and the South West so enormously.

All money raised will be going directly to the charity to help them support people in the local area who suffer from asbestos related illnesses.’

Once exposed to asbestos symptoms can take anywhere between 20 and 50 years to arise at which point it can give rise to a multitude of conditions from Lung Cancer and pleural thickening to asbestosis and mesothelioma. Symptoms generally include breathlessness, fatigue and pain in the chest and once symptoms start it is essential to seek advice from a specialist. At Wolferstans solicitors we assist in bringing claims forward for asbestos related injuries that typically attract an award of between £100,000.00 and £300,000.00 to assist with care and treatment.

The South West Mesothelioma Support group holds monthly meetings for those diagnosed or affected by mesothelioma plus other asbestos related conditions. New members are always welcome. Anyone requiring information about the support group can contact mesothelioma clinical nurse specialist Christine Jones on 01752 763665 or Wolferstans are also available for free home visits and free advice on any asbestos disease matters and can be contacted on 01752 292362.

Come and shake your tail feather with Jessica and the Rabbits and help us raise awareness of asbestos related cancers. All money raised will go directly to supporting people diagnosed with asbestos related conditions in the South West.

Jessica and the Rabbits Duke of Cornwall Hotel Friday 17 February 2017 7:30pm – 11:00pm £7.00