Plymouth’s Derriford Hospital is Under Investigation

Last week, Derriford Hospital received an unannounced visit from the Care Quality Commission (CQC).  The visit follows an unusually high number of medical errors known as Never Events, in the last year.  These errors, so called because they should never happen, are such things as operating on the wrong part of the body or on the wrong patient or leaving a piece of equipment or a swab inside the patient following surgery.

It is believed that the Care Quality Commission’s report resulting from their investigations will be released later this week.

Simon Parford, Partner and Head of the Medical Negligence Department said “sadly mistakes occur during the treatment of patients all too frequently but the rise in the number of Never Events is of particular concern and justifies a detailed investigation”.

If you are unhappy about the outcome of your medical treatment, contact your local specialist medical negligence team at Wolferstans on 01752 292374 to discuss your potential claim.  We offer free initial advice to help you decide what you want to do.

Wolferstans have the only Medical Negligence Department in Plymouth whose specialist lawyers act exclusively for the victims of medical accidents.  We advise hundreds of patients every year about the outcome of their medical treatment and the possibility of pursuing a claim for damages.  We have a particular reputation for acting for children and young adults who have cerebral palsy and for those patients who have suffered serve injuries resulting in long term disabilities as a result of brain and spinal injuries and amputations. We are happy to advise upon any medical negligence claim whatever the circumstances may be and have the expertise to deal with it.