Coronavirus and Child Arrangements – can children still see both parents?

Coronavirus and Child Arrangements – can children still see both parents?

Day by day we are seeing how Coronavirus is impacting everyone’s lives. Yesterday we saw the Prime Minister announce that we should only leave the house to do the following: -

• Shopping where absolutely necessary;

• One form of exercise once a day;

• For medical reasons; and

• Travelling to and from work where it is absolutely necessary.

So where does this leave separated parents who share contact arrangements for their children? Today, Michael Gove has announced that children under the age of 18 can continue to see both parents and move between households, as long as it can be done safely.

At Wolferstans, we would recommend that you try to continue any Court order or child arrangements plan that may be in place if it is safe and practical to do so. If it seems that some change to the normal arrangement would work better for everyone, then it is sensible to try to sort that out between you as parents.

The government has given the flexibility to allow parents to travel so their children can see both parents. We live in unprecedented times and parents will need to put their children’s interests first whilst also factoring in the need for changes if one parent has to self-isolate.

If you are finding it difficult to reach an agreement about your children, the family team at Wolferstans can advise and support you and your family and can be contacted on 01752 292288