Electrician dies of asbestos related cancer

Electrician dies of asbestos related cancer

Mick Carnell was a well-known Birmingham-based electrician for many years before relocating and eventually retiring in Devon. Tragically his retirement was cut short when he contracted mesothelioma, an asbestos related cancer, and died prematurely on the 30 September 2018 at the age of 72.

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which affects the linings of the lungs or abdomen. It is caused by asbestos fibres either being breathed in or swallowed and then being embedded into the lining of the pleura, causing inflammation and scarring which over time develops into mesothelioma cancer, usually many decades after the exposure to asbestos took place. It can typically affect workers such as plumbers, carpenters, heating engineers, builders, electricians, shipbuilders, dockworkers, demolition workers and those working in asbestos factories, but increasingly there have been cases affecting other professions such as teachers, shop workers and managers.

Mick began his working life as an apprentice electrician with Dowding & Mills in 1962 and continued to work for them until 1967. Dowding & Mills, now known as Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services, are still based at the same premises at 193 Camp Hill, Birmingham. We are keen to speak to anyone who may have worked alongside Mick during this time or who may have also worked for Dowding & Mills at a similar time.

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