Here for you when you need us – How we are adapting in the delivery of our legal services for parents and key workers

Here for you when you need us – How we are adapting in the delivery of our legal services for parents and key workers

At Wolferstans, we understand that Covid-19 is a difficult time for all and during these initial weeks of isolation and social distancing we are trying to adjust, whether that is working or educating our children from our homes, as well as being unable to enjoy the freedom we are used to.

We want to reassure all clients that our Wills and Probate team are working from home and have robust procedures and resource in place to help and support you with the delivery of our legal services.

We appreciate that it if you are a key worker, or a parent with young children, that giving instructions for important documents, to include Wills and Powers of Attorney, might be tricky during the usual ‘working’ day of 9-5. We are therefore offering clients, new and existing alike, the opportunity to make an appointment in the evenings when things might be a little quieter because the children are in bed or because you are home from work after delivering vital services as a key worker.

We can offer initial meetings by either video call or telephone.

We are here for you when you need us, either by calling 01752 663295 or emailing

    Get in touch to discuss how we can help you.

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