Is it ok to have two Christmas Days?

Is it ok to have two Christmas Days?

Christmas is supposed to be a magical time of the year; a time to relax and spend time with your loved ones. However, if you have separated from your partner, husband or wife you may be worried about how your children will spend their time over the festive season. At Wolferstans, we have some tips to share with you to help the whole family have a Merry Christmas.

Agree a plan

When it comes to arranging how children will share their time between their parents, as well as seeing the rest of their family we recommend that you try and agree a schedule of where the children will be on each day. Start planning early so you have got plenty of time to agree arrangements. You may also want to tell each other what your festive plans are. If one of you is planning to take the children to watch a Christmas movie at the cinema, the other might want to arrange the trip to Santa’s Grotto. That way, the children are getting the best of both worlds and making special memories with both parents.

Two Christmas Days?

When it comes to Christmas Day it is important to think about whether the children will be spending the whole day with one parent or whether they will split their time between two homes. You might decide to give them two Christmas Days so they can spend quality time with both sides of their family.

Discuss presents

It is important as parents to communicate with one another about what presents you are buying for the children. By no means should this be a competition, but by discussing what you intend to buy, you can make sure that the children get more of what they have asked for and are not left feeling awkward if they receive the same gift twice.

Put children first

Children just want to have fun. It is important to make sure that they do not get mixed up in any conflict and that all decisions you make are child focused.

Separation at any time is difficult and things can be even more tricky over holiday periods. If you are having trouble agreeing arrangements for your children, the family team at Wolferstans can offer advice and support to help you and your family.