National Health Superheroes

National Health Superheroes

Does anyone else feel useless in the fight against Covid-19?

Never more so than in 2020 have the unsung National Health Superheroes been at the forefront of our mind. Day in, day out, we take them for granted that they will be there when we need them, whether that be for broken limbs, delivering babies, routine operations, or now, in this time of COVID-19.

How do we help them? We do not all have the medical skills to step in. We have seen people showing support in as many different ways as they can – buying shopping, offering houses and parking, clapping in the streets, and staying home. Some have made financial donations, but this is not always possible when there is so much uncertainty over jobs and income.

Yet a lasting and very valuable area where we can show support for the NHS is by leaving your local NHS a financial legacy in your Will. Many people do not even know that this is possible, or realise that the NHS has a charitable arm, both nationally and in the local area. Legacies form a major share of charitable income to the NHS and can be a tax effective way of donating money to your chosen hospital, ward or department after your death, as a way of saying thank you, showing support and helping future generations of patients after you have gone.

Wolferstans want to show our support for the NHS by helping you to leave such a legacy. If you would like to leave a legacy to the NHS in your Will we will prepare or amend your Will for half price until the end of June 2020, so that you can show your support and at the same time be reassured that you are also putting your affairs in order at the same time.

Even superheroes need support – and your legacy will go a long way.

Simply contact our New Client Co-ordinators on 01752 663295 or alternatively email quoting NHS