Stay Safe Whilst Cycling

Stay Safe Whilst Cycling

One of consequences of many of us working from home during this pandemic is a massive decrease in the number of people commuting to work in cars. Due to these emptier roads, it seems people not impacted by the virus are taking advantage of the government’s one hour a day exercise guidance by going out cycling.

However, as the roads are less occupied, a minority of opportunistic people are using the empty roads as an excuse to drive at excessive speeds. According to members of the public and the police, these incidents of speeding have led to serious injuries and fatalities for people choosing to take advantage of the exercise guidance. These needless deaths and serious injuries are, as Joshua Harris from the road safety charity, Brake, reflects, “…increasing the burden on our stretched emergency services and NHS.”

Charities such as Brake, Cycling UK and Headway are specifically asking drivers to keep within the speed limits, not to become complacent due to the quieter roads and pay extra attention due to the increase in people cycling as part of their daily exercise.

Due to the increase of these types of incidents, we at Wolferstans would like to emphasise the importance of staying safe whilst cycling on the roads.

One of the most vital elements to consider, before setting off, is to make sure you have all the appropriate equipment. Essential equipment should include: – A cycle helmet that you can adjust to fit properly; – Fitted weather appropriate clothing; – A high visibility jacket or reflective accessories on your clothing or helmet; – Appropriate footwear; and – Lights and reflectors on your bike for if you are cycling at night.

It is important to plan your route and take into consideration your skill level and confidence on a bike. If you don’t feel confident, try to avoid cycling on busier roads. However, if you absolutely must then you should be extra wary of any other vehicles and follow the Highway Code. Avoid listening to music whilst you ride as this can hinder your ability to react to potential dangers. Additionally, you should make use of any cycling routes or tracks that are available on roads or pavements, as these can make your journey much safer.

Due to the current lockdown, it is important that when you do wish to cycle for your health, fitness and well-being that you only do so either alone or with members of your household (who are not self-isolating). Group cycling with anyone outside your household is prohibited at the time of writing. If you require any further guidance or clarity, please visit the government website below or visit the charity Cycling UK.

If you have been affected by a road traffic accident, the lawyers in our Personal Injury Department will be able to advise you and assist you in obtaining compensation for the injuries.

Please contact us on 01752 663295 or alternatively email or