Failures in providing basic maternity care caused catastrophic injuries to baby

Failures in providing basic maternity care caused catastrophic injuries to baby

The arrival of a baby is often filled with joy, but for Victoria, the birth of her son, Oscar, marked the beginning of an extremely challenging journey for their family, as a result of medical negligence during his delivery.

In this article, we tell Victoria and Oscar’s story, whose life changing experience sheds light on the devastating impact of negligence during childbirth, and the efforts of our Medical Negligence team to fight for Victoria and Oscar to secure justice and support for his future.

Victoria's pregnancy progressed without any concerns until she was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain and contractions long before her due date. Despite initial reassurances Victoria was given by the attending staff, there was an absence of any care documented for over 3.5 hours, which caused a significant delay in responding to Victoria's worsening condition. Tragically, a placental abruption was missed, and Oscar sustained life changing injuries and severe brain damage as a result of being deprived of oxygen.

The Impact of Medical Negligence

The consequences of the negligence during Oscar’s delivery were profound. Oscar has since been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and he is blind. The acknowledgment by the hospital of the failures in Victoria's care only serves to highlight the preventable nature of Oscar’s life-limiting conditions.

Seeking Legal Support

Devastated by the avoidable circumstances that had forever altered their lives, Victoria turned to our award-winning Medical Negligence team here at Wolferstans Solicitors for legal assistance. Our team conducted a thorough investigation into the events surrounding Victoria's childbirth and the impact on Oscar.

We secured an interim payment to provide immediate assistance to Victoria and her family. This financial support enabled them to access necessary medical care and resources for Oscar’s ongoing needs whilst the investigation into the claim was ongoing. Our Court of Protection team were also able to safeguard Oscar’s compensation, ensuring long term financial security.

The Battle for Fair Compensation

In subsequent negotiations, our solicitors advocated tirelessly for fair compensation for Oscar. Despite challenges along the way, a settlement was reached, providing significant funds to cover his lifelong care needs. The total settlement amount reached £27 million, offering hope for the family's future.

Securing Peace of Mind

Although the settlement does not make up for the negligent care, it does provide financial security and peace of mind for Victoria and her family. With a substantial capital sum and ongoing allowances, they can plan for Oscar’s future with confidence, knowing that his needs would be met. Additionally, ongoing support and guidance from our Court of Protection team ensures they have access to resources and assistance whenever needed.

If you or a loved one are facing similar challenges because of medical negligence, know that you are not alone. Our team is here to provide assistance and guidance, offering a free initial consultation to explore your legal options.

Contact us today on 01752 292204 or We operate on a No Win, No Fee basis, ensuring that justice remains accessible for all.

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