Home schooling resources

Home schooling resources

Working from home and Home Schooling – what resources are out there to support this?

Most schools have now been able to set work for children to do at home but with most parents suddenly having to revise fronted adverbials and long division you might be looking for additional links or resources to use to help support not only your child’s learning but yours as well! Take a look at these that have been made available for free during the current Covid-19 crisis: –

Carol Vardaman’s Maths Factor www.themathsfactor.com subscriptions are usually £2 per week but free registration is currently possible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Twinkl – www.twinkl.co.uk Primary resources are available for all Key Stages. Home learning packs have been created and are available for free once you have registered. There’s even guidance for parents to help reduce the home learning stress! Ideas, activities and videos are updated daily. Available through your web browser or in-app.

www.Pobble365.com gives daily images to inspire children to write, combined with story-starters, question time and sentence challenges to keep little minds busy! This may only be available for some schools with existing subscriptions.

www.duolingo.com learn a new language in bite-sized lessons with games to help learning and coin earning for rewards. Its available in-app for free but to get rid of the adverts you need to upgrade for a fee.

Your child no doubt came home with a small library of books the day the schools closed on 20th March. Are they bored of reading the same ones? Take a look at https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ sign up and use their free eBook library during the Covid-19 crisis. You can select books based on your child’s colour band at school so they can continue to read at an appropriate level at home.

For further home learning try www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize and www.topmarks.co.uk

Joe Wicks has become a household name with many logging in each morning for #PeWithJoe but you could challenge your child to set up their own circuits with 5 or 6 stations. There’s also a whole host of themed yoga available on YouTube with Cosmic Kids – a great way to start the day!

Don’t forget important life skills also come in the form of making their own beds each day, laying the table, helping in the garden and learning to entertain themselves for short periods.

The Wolferstans Family Law department continue to work from home. Please contact 01752 663295 or email info@wolferstans.com if you require any legal assistance.

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