Kicks Count

Kicks Count

Kicks Count is a UK registered charity that aims to empower mums to be with knowledge and confidence throughout their pregnancy.The charity was initially called Count the Kicks and was set up in 2009 by Sophia Wyatt following the stillbirth of her daughter Chloe. The name of the charity changed to Kicks Count in January 2016, but their important message and mission to reduce preventable stillbirth remains the same.

Determined to ensure more mums did not experience this tragedy, Sophia wanted to educate mums on the importance of a baby’s movements and to help them work with healthcare professionals to bring home a healthy baby.

While there isn’t one solution to reducing stillbirth, a decrease in fetal movement can be a key warning sign that a baby is in distress and early delivery could save nearly a third of stillborn babies. The Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy found that lack of prompt management to reduced fetal movement was a contributing factor to stillbirth.

Kicks Count aim to ensure that all pregnant women:

• are aware of how important their babies movements are; • are aware of the most up-to-date recommendations for monitoring movement; • trust their instincts; • are aware of the dangers of using a home Doppler for reassurance; • are confident to speak to a medical professional if they have concerns during their pregnancy.

There are a variety of ways for you to get in touch with Kicks Count including:

• Telephone helpline: 01483 212 613 • Email – • Website – • Post – Collaborate, Steward House, 14 Commercial Way, Woking, GU21 6ET • Twitter – @KicksCount

The majority of mums that have suffered a stillbirth report retrospectively that they did notice a change in movement. The awareness created by Kicks Count will ensure that mums know how important their baby’s movements are.

When the baby is being deprived of oxygen he or she will slow their movements. Cord compression, a failing placenta, or a high intake of smoke may also lead to reduced movements and could be potentially fatal. It is important that people know that there are also harmless reasons for a reduction in movement and babies are usually found to be OK, however, it’s vital that all potential reasons for the change in movement are ruled out.

Kicks Count raise awareness in a number of ways, they produce literature with information regarding foetal movement, which is distributed by midwives across the uk. They also addend Midwifery Conferences to reach out to medical professionals and attend baby shows to reach as many mums as possible. They build awareness using media and are involved in studies relating to foetal movement.

Wolferstans is fully supportive of the Baby Loss Awareness campaign and more information can be found here

    Get in touch to discuss how we can help you.

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