Remote Court Hearings

Remote Court Hearings

At the current time we know that many of our clients are worried about how court hearings will be able to go ahead in light of the restrictions imposed by the Government to try to fight the Coronavirus.

From our experience at Wolferstans, the Courts and the judiciary are doing everything they can to ensure that any urgent hearings can still take place. This mainly involves conducting hearings remotely via telephone conference call or via Skype (video conferencing) so that parties and their solicitors do not need to attend Court. This means that the parties can take part in the hearing without the need to leave their homes.

The Court are working hard to ensure that District Judges are available to deal with Directions Appointments and any shorter hearings by way of telephone and any longer or contested hearings are being dealt with by way of video conferencing such as Skype.

At Wolferstans we have now undertaken several telephone and video-conferencing hearings and we are pleased to report that these are working well. We can arrange these and provide representation to our clients. We are therefore not advising clients to put off making applications to the Court given that many hearings are able to go ahead.

If you have any questions or require any advice about making an application in the family court, contact the Wolferstans family team on 01752 663295 or email