NHS England Critical Of Vaginal Implants Mesh

NHS England Critical Of Vaginal Implants Mesh

A report produced by NHS England on vaginal mesh implants has raised concerns surrounding the adverse effects involving mesh as a medical device.

Vaginal mesh implants are used to treat pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence in women usually after childbirth. It is intended to repair damaged or weakened tissue and is widely used throughout the UK, Europe and North America. However, its use has been highly criticised and many medical experts refuse to use the mesh due to the high risk of side effects such as severe pain, infection, the fact it is difficult to remove and some women being left unable to have sexual intercourse. There has also been question over whether there has been a flood of counterfeit materials being used in mesh implants.

Whilst the majority of mesh implants made from polypropylene are ‘safe for the majority’, there are still concerns. The report aims to make three recommendations, being:

  • Ensuring there is transparency regarding informed consent between doctor and patient;
  • The introduction of specialist units for advice if problems occur;
  • Ensuring any incidents of complications are properly recorded in order for the risks of using the mesh is weighed accordingly.

If you or someone you know has any concerns about how your health has been managed or if you believe there has been a delay in diagnosing or treating your medical condition then Wolferstans’ Clinical Negligence specialists can sensitively discuss and deal with this for you. If you would like to have a free initial discussion without any obligation then please contact Jodie O’Connor on 01752 292360 or email her at joconnor@wolferstans.com.

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