World Cerebral Palsy Day

World Cerebral Palsy Day

Wednesday 5 October 2016, is World Cerebral Palsy Day.World Cerebral Palsy is aimed at not only raising awareness of the condition but also to gather ideas from people with cerebral palsy and their carers as to how their lives could be made better, and make the best of those ideas a reality

There are 17 million people across the world living with cerebral palsy. Another 350 million people are closely connected to a child or adult with Cerebral Palsy. It is the most common physical disability in childhood.

Cerebral Palsy is a permanent disability that affects movement. Its impact can range from a weakness in one hand, to almost a complete lack of voluntary movement. It is a complex disability: 1 in 4 children with Cerebral Palsy cannot talk, 1 in 3 cannot walk, 1 in 2 has an intellectual disability, 1 in 4 has epilepsy.

Approximately 10% of children with cerebral palsy suffer from this condition as a result of complications that happen at birth. In some of those cases it is possible to prove that different management of the birth may have avoided this type of injury happening. Wolferstans’ expert Medical Negligence team is recognised nationally and has a wealth of experience in dealing with cases where children have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy following difficulties during their birth and has recovered millions of pounds in compensation.

In one particular case our client suffered a period of severe and prolonged oxygen deprivation during his birth which resulted in him sustaining permanent brain damage. Our client has severe dystonic athetoid cerebral palsy. He is wheelchair dependant and reliant upon others for all aspects of daily life.

His parents were reluctant to pursue a claim against the hospital as their main concern whilst he was an infant was his health and well being. However when he was 15 his parents realised how severe his injuries were and wanted to ensure that he would always be well cared for.

Wolferstans obtained Public Funding for our client and investigated the claim. The investigation was made even more difficult as the obstetric records and records of his birth were not available. Wolferstans obtained supportive reports from a number of experts and a Letter of Claim was sent to the Defendant Hospital.

The Defendant initially denied all aspects of liability but shortly before proceedings were commenced we were able to settle the claim achieving in excess of £5 million pounds for our client providing him with financial security for the rest of his life.

If you believe that you or your child have suffered an injury during pregnancy or childbirth our specialist solicitors could help you not only to make a claim for compensation but also by providing you with the support and assistance to cope with this life changing condition.

For more information on how Wolferstans could help please contact Elizabeth Smith on 01752 292309 or To see more information about our specialist team please visit our new website at

For more information on World Cerebral Palsy Day visit their website

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